Event description
A woman wearing virtual reality glasses. The image is overlaid with digital overlays and futuristic elements that fade into the background

Interactive Experience Day 2024

Experience immersive technologies and the fusion of virtual environments with reality! Virtual, augmented and mixed reality are used in various fields such as construction and engineering, medicine, the cultural and creative industries and gaming. On 9 October, you can try out various applications for yourself and learn more about the development during exciting keynote speeches.

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Fmr. Prof. Binh Minh Herbst
• Tino Hentschel
Universität zu Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Philipp Epple
Coburg University
Christoph Spinger
IDEAS Engineering @ Axel Springer
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kutter
• Moderation • Susanne Ahmadseresht
nextReality.Hamburg e.V.

Info for visitors

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Wednesday, 9. October 2024
Start 10:00 o'clock
End 16:30 o'clock


Bielefelder Strasse 66a
32756 Detmold

Quote We would like to invite people from various fields to engage with it and discover added value for their professional or personal lives. On that day, the focus will be on hands-on experimentation.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kutter

Event Details

Welcome to the Interactive Experience Day '24 at KreativInstitut.OWL – a day full of possibilities shaped by the experience of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and other modern technologies! Participants will gain a fascinating insight into real applications from construction and engineering, medicine, the culture and creative industries, and gaming.


10:00 AM

Doors open

10:30 AM

Welcome and Introduction

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kutter (KreativInstitut.OWL) & Susanne Ahmadseresht

10:45 AM

Expert Keynote "'Design for Happiness' – How designer can change the world by creating meaningful and enjoyable experiences"

Fmr. Prof. Binh Minh Herbst (A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio)

11:10 AM

Expert Talk "VR in der PflegeDigital 2.0 - Virtuelles Training mit WebXR in der Pflegeausbildung" (HAW Hamburg)
Tino Hentschel (Universität Lübeck)

11:25 AM

Expert Talk "VR in der Strömungsmechanik"

Philipp Epple (Hochschule Coburg)

11:40 AM

Expert Talk "BILD auf der Apple Vision Pro"

Christoph Spinger (Axel Springer)

12:00 PM

Panel Discussion Title tbd.

12:30 PM

Snacks • Networking

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Experience the world of VR / AR / XR / MR and more

Interactive Experiences


Former Prof. Binh Minh Herbst (A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio)

In the virtual reality art installation "SWING VR" by A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio, the dream of flying becomes reality. Through the innovative combination of a swing and virtual reality, a sense of freedom and weightlessness is created – a poetic, breathtaking, and unforgettable experience for both young and old. Swinging has always had a calming and joyful effect on the human psyche – a phenomenon recognized since ancient times and deeply connected to the feeling of carefree joy. SWING VR promotes user well-being through its "Design for Happiness" approach. Thanks to its adaptability, SWING VR offers numerous applications, including innovative marketing strategies and corporate uses such as city marketing and brand staging.

  • more information

    Minh is a Vietnamese-German Creative Director for Mixed Reality experiences and a ‘Migrant-Mama’. She worked in Silicon Valley on groundbreaking AR technologies before being appointed as a Professor of Game Art & Design at HBK Essen. Today, as a co-founder of A.MUSE – Interactive Design Studio, she creates impressive experiences in the realm of interactive exhibits, VR/AR/XR, WebXR, artificial intelligence, edutainment, and gamification. With her playful works straddling art & design, innovative technologies, and social entrepreneurship, she advocates for cultural diversity and equality, earning numerous international awards and recognitions (including the Unity for Humanity Grant, ADC Award, and German Computer Game Award). → More at: www.amuse.vision


Tino Hentschel
The project "PflegeDigital 2.0" presents a practically applicable, multilingual, and fully digital modular solution for interactively learning fundamental, practical, and exam-relevant nursing procedures, followed by training selected processes in virtual reality. The Virtual Reality training uses "WebXR" technology, allowing it to be run in a browser on various types of head-mounted displays without the need for additional software installation.

  • more Information

    Tino Hentschel was a Research Associate in the 'PflegeDigital 2.0' project at HAW Hamburg from 2020 to 2023. He is currently a Research Associate at the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems at the University of Lübeck.

Fluid mechanics

Prof. Dr. Philipp Epple [weiter Informationen folgen]


Christoph Springer (IDEAS Engineering @ Axel Springer)

IDEAS Engineering @ Axel Springer

To provide a brief insight into the work of Axel Springer, Christoph Spinger will bring the Bild app for the Apple Vision Pro. Additionally, he will present other prototypes developed during his work at Axel Springer.

Application from the KIO

We at the KIO will also be offering experiences, including the walk-in orchestra, where you can experience a piece of music from the position of the various instruments. You can also play RE:Constructor, a multiplayer game created for Ideenexpo 2024 and future recruitment fairs in cooperation with STRABAG AG. The “Interactive Drunken Sailor” and the virtual organ are also there and you can interact with a virtual sculpture to control the sounding pitches of an audio algorithm.

Join in, immerse yourself, network and experience the fusion of the virtual and real worlds!

Just register

Registration is mandatory for this event but free of charge.

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Bielefelder Strasse 66a
32756 Detmold

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