Postal address
Emilienstraße 45
32756 Detmold
Kreativ Campus Detmold
Bielefelder Straße 66a
32756 Detmold
How can we make ecological activity tangible through sound? How can acoustic signals from an ecosystem - for example from the ground - be integrated into generative sound art through live audio processing?
Project participants
Project status
Research & Implementation
In the pilot project »soil loop« - developed with the support of the Department of Landscape Architecture/Environmental Planning at TH OWL and the Höxter Botanical Gardens - a computer-aided sound system was developed on the basis of acoustic input from ground microphones and presented in an immersive sound installation.
The aim of the project is to integrate acoustic input from an ecology through experimental miking techniques into a generative sound system through live audio processing software. The development of the project consisted of fieldwork period in spring 2024 at the Botanical Garden Höxter, followed by development phase of audio processing application; in summer 2024 the application of the system was in a sound installation »soil loop« in Höxter
For the installation, four loudspeakers were positioned at a central location in the botanical garden to create a spatial presentation of the generative soundscape. Two speakers were positioned directly next to the two geophones, with the respective output and delay systems mapped 1:1 to these two speakers to allow for direct feedback and interactivity with the ground activity at each location. The remaining two speakers were placed next to a greenhouse embedded in the garden - normally used to store materials and tools for the research activities in the Botanic Garden - where the hardware and cabling to operate the installation was presented. In this way, the interweaving of nature, human and technical elements is thematized.